Choen Itza
Adam Gavin ‘19
Adam Gavin ‘19
Anna-Victoria Duzinski, ‘17
Jonathan Grimm always loved solving puzzles. He knew all aboutthem. Jonathan knew the history of puzzles. He was an 80-year old widower.His children and grandchildren all lived in different states. Jonathan didn’tcare. Now that he was all alone he had all the time in the world to puttogether more puzzle pieces.Sometimes his eldest son would…
Anna-Victoria Duzinski, ‘17
Laura Kuhn, M.F.A., English Department Adjunct My mother holds forth at the table,tracing dirty plates with a moistened finger —licking the crumbs she swipes from one plate, then another.Savoring it all;nobody’s watching.My father, in the next room, watches a game.He takes no part in the conversation, but interjectscorrections to let her know he’s there.The mighty…
KarlaAne Klouda2014