KarlaAne Klouda
KarlaAne Klouda
Sabrina Castaño, ‘20
Conversations like heart monitor beepsTheir shapes form the shapeOf highs and lowsOh highs and lows Jill McFarland2015
I come from faithThe faith deeply felt by Michael and Margaret Fitzpatrick as they traveled to the unknownEllis Island, leaving family, security, countryI come from hopeThe hope deeply felt by Michael and Margaret Fitzpatrick as they provided for a family ofeight during the Great DepressionI come from loveThe love deeply felt by Michael and Margaret…
When the night falls…I lie down to rest…When day breaks, I remember dreaming of the best…The thought is so strong that it puts aches in mychest…… but yet…I have no regrets…of…Dreaming of Tokyo…Long days of study and work all pay off when I comeback home…… no I’m not alone…… with my drink and my phone………
Quiet Man Jill Walsh ’15
Throughout my whole life I was always shy;Hiding behind a mask of my own design;Never did set free or fly way too high;But that mask has decided to resign.I will start to reveal what is below;All the cracks and scars that were never shownWill cry to the world “I will say hello!”I’ll be the girl…