Conversations like heart monitor beeps
Their shapes form the shape
Of highs and lows
Oh highs and lows
Jill McFarland
Conversations like heart monitor beeps
Their shapes form the shape
Of highs and lows
Oh highs and lows
Jill McFarland
Anna-Victoria Duzinski, ‘17
TOPSY TURVY Amanda Monroe ’16
Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes.While on the road, you’ll find if there’s anything to lose.One man’s trash is another man’s treasure;One man’s sin is another man’s pleasure.Which is which? Well you decide.Why should one by models forever abide?Have no fear, let your voice be heard.Your words will not be…
Thomas W. Epp, Math Center I wrote my note on a Möbius strip;Stuffed in a Klein bottle,I sent it off on an Escher sea.“Help”, it said, “I’m stuck in an infinite loop!”I waited and waited until one dayMy note washed back to me.
Anna-Victoria Duzinski, ‘17
“Poor wanderer,” said the leaden sky,“How you go on, by and by.For you do not know which way to go.My, how you travel on so.”For I replied to the leaden sky,“You are correct, I cannot lie.I do not know which way to goIf I go the wrong way, please tell me so.”“My child, lie down…