Sabrina Castaño, ‘20

So mysterious, so dark, so understated,So young, so smart, so devastated,So charismatic, sarcastic, and underratedOh DariaOh DariaA reflection in a mirror,A parallel universe,So alike but neither can converseOh DariaOh DariaEloquent in speaking,Yet so plain in dress,You’re me, I’m you, but I’m in the fleshOh DariaOh DariaBoth so intimidating with the gift of a pen,Yet so…
Everything in my life needs to be a certain specific way.Everywhere I go, whether I’m at work or at home, anything andeverything needs to be molded and crafted to meet my set of veryspecific standards and practices. For instance, at home I have a vastcollection of books and CD’s and I can’t just put them…
Amanda Monroe ’16
Liana Florez2015
Choen Itza Adam Gavin ‘19
Sabrina Castaño, ‘20