Airplane Shot
Adam Gavin ’19
Adam Gavin ’19
I’ve always wanted to be scared to death. That’s why I lovehaunted houses so much. I’ve been to most of the good ones. I’vebeen to every haunted house, from the big theme parks to Vegas tothe home of witches in Salem. I love haunted houses just like I loveHalloween. I love to be scared. Many…
UNTITLEDLiana Florez ’15
Laura Kuhn, M.F.A., English Department Adjunct My mother holds forth at the table,tracing dirty plates with a moistened finger —licking the crumbs she swipes from one plate, then another.Savoring it all;nobody’s watching.My father, in the next room, watches a game.He takes no part in the conversation, but interjectscorrections to let her know he’s there.The mighty…
you need something poeticfor your songlike seafoam green wallsbare and picture-lessa sun-soaked skyabove a crashing waterfallor a hat blown off in the winda crazy mind that can interpret numbersa child deep within the coves of slumberyou need a rhyme to make a dimesome guitar stringsand a little timesomething to sing aboutand a steady beatlike footsteps…
Nicole Mezzanotte2013
“Poor wanderer,” said the leaden sky,“How you go on, by and by.For you do not know which way to go.My, how you travel on so.”For I replied to the leaden sky,“You are correct, I cannot lie.I do not know which way to goIf I go the wrong way, please tell me so.”“My child, lie down…