Thomas W. Epp, Math Center

To start a Möbius trip
Run along the infinite strip
On both sides you’ll drive
Until you arrive
To Start a Möbius trip
To start a Möbius trip
Run along the infinite strip
On both sides you’ll drive
Until you arrive
To Start a Möbius trip
Airplane Shot Adam Gavin ’19
We had 9 months together, just you and me.It was our time to learn about each other.You didn’t know then, but I would be your only daughter.We would develop a relationship like no other.“You got it right!” Your Mother exclaimed,On that fateful day I was born.With three boys at home, a baby girl was a…
Liana Florez2015
Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes.While on the road, you’ll find if there’s anything to lose.One man’s trash is another man’s treasure;One man’s sin is another man’s pleasure.Which is which? Well you decide.Why should one by models forever abide?Have no fear, let your voice be heard.Your words will not be…
With apologies to Mary OliverFeeling her kicking, the waves of her motionKnowing my life was changing, I held my bellyAnd hoped, and I felt reassuredA higher power, I should think,Observing my willingness to take on a challengeHad presented me thisHad taught me to live and learnNot caring of the length of this lessonLooking to the…
By Joseph Aukward, Psy.D. `27 This place is dark. It is cold and lifeless.I wither at the bottom, wondering how I fell so far.The Pit claws past me, stretching towards eternityIt was once a ring about my feet,A barrier my eyes did not see.It grew as I slipped,Covering me with its shadows.It feeds on my…