Andrea Wentzell ’15
Andrea Wentzell ’15
By Lynn Kim, M.S. `24 Fogelsville, WednesdayI walk on dappled sunspotsunder arched maplesand cloudless domewatch leaves fallto woodland floorhear drops,feel their spatteron my shoulderscarry on and knowthe tall timberin its leaved gloryrustling in the windweeps for me,rain I hold locked in.
Anna-Victoria Duzinski, ‘17
Everything in my life needs to be a certain specific way.Everywhere I go, whether I’m at work or at home, anything andeverything needs to be molded and crafted to meet my set of veryspecific standards and practices. For instance, at home I have a vastcollection of books and CD’s and I can’t just put them…
Laura Kuhn, M.F.A., English Department Adjunct My mother holds forth at the table,tracing dirty plates with a moistened finger —licking the crumbs she swipes from one plate, then another.Savoring it all;nobody’s watching.My father, in the next room, watches a game.He takes no part in the conversation, but interjectscorrections to let her know he’s there.The mighty…
Brigid MacArthur-Thompson, ‘17 Plastic beads swinglike rosaries through the leavesAnd the sidewalks have scarsFrom the rising water.The roots grow big enoughThat as you walk,You could be upended at any second.And the ocean waits, ready to rush inAnd fade us into oblivion.The trees must be as oldAs my soul,Because the closest I’ve come to findingGodIs on…
I’ve always wanted to be scared to death. That’s why I lovehaunted houses so much. I’ve been to most of the good ones. I’vebeen to every haunted house, from the big theme parks to Vegas tothe home of witches in Salem. I love haunted houses just like I loveHalloween. I love to be scared. Many…