The birds sing louder…
Not because of joy or pain,
Or sadness or fear.
They sing louder because,
The cars howl under their homes.
Yannick Wallace
The birds sing louder…
Not because of joy or pain,
Or sadness or fear.
They sing louder because,
The cars howl under their homes.
Yannick Wallace
With apologies to Mary OliverFeeling her kicking, the waves of her motionKnowing my life was changing, I held my bellyAnd hoped, and I felt reassuredA higher power, I should think,Observing my willingness to take on a challengeHad presented me thisHad taught me to live and learnNot caring of the length of this lessonLooking to the…
Nicole Mezzanotte2013
By Lynn Kim, M.S. `24 Fogelsville, WednesdayI walk on dappled sunspotsunder arched maplesand cloudless domewatch leaves fallto woodland floorhear drops,feel their spatteron my shoulderscarry on and knowthe tall timberin its leaved gloryrustling in the windweeps for me,rain I hold locked in.
Sensation gripped the fingers. I am anemia. Secluded; holding tighter to thechair.Bound and gagged, your hips moved closer to the floor as I took over. I fillyour lungs with this last breath as my gift.I won’t ever let go; to the paper wrapped around your fingertips.Burning it down to the filter. Arms shaking in celebration…
They just gave me a new placement. It was a shock, becauseI thought things were fine where I was. But you never know aboutplacements; the general wisdom is there is no way to understand them.So I am upset about the move, even though it looks good so far—theyput me in a room of my own,…
Pomatomus saltatrix, you showed me how to loveIn lapping of the waves against the gallows’ posts aboveThe gentle bay, forever clear, where barnacles sing ofA heaven freed of ugliness and brutal death thereofThe fisher boy had broken yet like tawny August dawnA tiny speck of cold and sweat dripped slowly down uponA bare yet gilded…