Choen Itza
Adam Gavin ‘19
Adam Gavin ‘19
you need something poeticfor your songlike seafoam green wallsbare and picture-lessa sun-soaked skyabove a crashing waterfallor a hat blown off in the winda crazy mind that can interpret numbersa child deep within the coves of slumberyou need a rhyme to make a dimesome guitar stringsand a little timesomething to sing aboutand a steady beatlike footsteps…
Throughout my whole life I was always shy;Hiding behind a mask of my own design;Never did set free or fly way too high;But that mask has decided to resign.I will start to reveal what is below;All the cracks and scars that were never shownWill cry to the world “I will say hello!”I’ll be the girl…
I’ve always wanted to be scared to death. That’s why I lovehaunted houses so much. I’ve been to most of the good ones. I’vebeen to every haunted house, from the big theme parks to Vegas tothe home of witches in Salem. I love haunted houses just like I loveHalloween. I love to be scared. Many…
Stacy Mccrosson, M.D. `97
Sabrina Castaño, ‘20
The birds sing louder…Not because of joy or pain,Or sadness or fear.They sing louder because,The cars howl under their homes. Yannick Wallace2012