Nola Kane, ‘19

I wanted to give money to the homeless man in the city
Grandma always said no
They’ll go buy drugs
Now I know you need more than just
A dollar for drugs
They just want some food or some coffee
to get through the day
To feed their hope
All around were homeless
Every street doubled with them
Sad and scrawny
Wearing coats in the hot sun
Because the nights are cold
Shouting words at angry people.
They’re not bad. Only desperate.
They weave between cars
Could get hit
But no hope if they sit around
So they get up and search
(That’s more than what most can say).
Everyone looks down
But pass by their fellow man
“Cities are built so poor remain poor…
But that’s for another day”
Said my senior year English teacher
Back in my small hometown
I’m just a college student
Basically broke
Gotta pinch my pennies just in case.
I crossed my heart
Swore when I was out and on my own
Every homeless person I passed I’d give money to
But I still could’ve spared a dollar
Why didn’t I
I had one
I have a job
could replace it sooner than they could
Always for another day
Until tomorrow doesn’t come

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